GOMUR MECANIZADOS Y AUTOMOCIÓN ha adquirido recientemente una nueva Máquina Comprobadora de Culatas hasta 1.600 mm.


Para NUEVOS Clientes ofrecemos un Comprobado de Culta totalmente Gratuito, oferta válida hasta fin de mes.

Si desean ponerse en contacto con nuestra red comercial:

Victor : 609 430 803

Joaquin: 649 831 500

Valle: 659 804 583

Eliseo: 609 430 686

DPTO. COMERCIAL : 942 369 386

FAX: 942 252 411


El Grupo Gomur estuvo exponiendo en la pasada Feria de Hannover Messe 2017.

En la misma se establecieron nuevos contactos y oportunidades tanto para GOMUR MECANIZADOS Y AUTOMOCIÓN como para MONTAJES GOMUR, en los sectores Aeronáuticos, Eólico, Automoción Nuclear y Máquina Herramienta.





Desde este newsletter queremos compartir con todos vosotros un Premio que hemos recibido de parte de nuestro cliente Global Steel Wire a la Empresa más Segura en el 4 Trimestre del 2017.

Para el GRUPO GOMUR, la SEGURIDAD es un Pilar Estratégico.

Trabajamos a diario para conseguir, de forma continua, el CERO ACCIDENTES.

Este reconocimiento, nos anima a seguir trabajando en este sentido, con la implicación de todos los miembros de la empresa



“II Basic Multi-Company Talk On Predictive Maintenance Techniques and their Benefits”.

On the 6th of October, in our installations, the “II Talk On Predictive Maintenance Techniques and their Benefits” was held. It was given by the Manager of the Predictive Department, Mr Rubén Gonzalez.

For this year’s talk, we were thankful to be able to count on the participation of Mr Francisco Hidalgo, from Solvay Química. During the Talk, Francisco took to the floor and told the listeners about his professional experience working with our Predictive Department. He explained the advantages and benefits of an effective application of these maintenance Techniques as well as their many benefits, he also answered any doubts that the attendees had.

Due to the great demand for assistance, the Talk was repeated on the 20th of October.

The Techniques and Benefits of Predictive Maintenance were also explained in the talk and how, by using these, we can manage to improve the reliability of the machinery, the industrial security and also increase production which translates as economic gain for the company.

Grupo Gomur participates in MetalMadrid 2015

Grupo Gomur participated in the METALMADRID 2015 Fair which took place on the 4th and 5th of November.

It also participated in the International Meetings organised by the Fair and during which meetings were held with International buyers, in our objective of continuing to broaden Markets.

Global Steel Wire Award

In this newsletter we want to share an Award with all of you which we received from our client Global Steel Wire for the Safest Company in the 4th Trimester of 2015.

For Grupo Gomur, SAFETY is a Strategic Pillar.

We work daily in order to achieve, in a continuous manner, the ZERO ACCIDENTS rate.

This recognition encourages us to continue working on this, with the involvement of all of the members of the company

Mesure 3D avec Laser Tracker

Mesure 3D avec Laser Tracker

Cotes des dimensions, tolérances géométriques, comparaison avec le 3D nominal de la pièce. Pièces de grand volume. Dossiers dimensionnels.

Les machines FARO Vantage et VantageE Laser Tracker sont des machines de mesure par coordonnées portables extrêmement précises. Elles permettent de fabriquer des produits, d’optimiser des processus et de proposer des solutions en effectuant des mesures de manière rapide, simple et précise.


Inspection de grandes pièces

De nombreuses industries comme l’aérospatiale, l’automobile et la construction de machines-outils lourdes ont en commune les mesures à grande échelle. Parfois, ces mesures peuvent s’avérer être des tâches malcommodes et lentes. Grâce aux outils de métrologie révolutionnaires pour grands volume FARO, les durées de ces tâches sont à inscrire au passé.


Les défaillances dues aux alignements génèrent des durées d’inactivité ainsi que la diminution du rendement des machines-outils, mais les machines de mesure portables (MMC) offrent d’excellentes solutions d’alignement, tels que les systèmes de suivi laser et les bras de mesure.

Calibrage de machines

L’origine de pièces erronées réside souvent dans le mauvais calibrage d’une machine. Les révisions rapides du calibrage des machines avec les MMC portables de FARO® permettent de vérifier la précision volumétrique. Ainsi, la production est optimisée et le temps d’inactivité réduit.

Inspection sur CAD

Les MMC portables de FARO® simplifient la configuration de tolérances et dimensions géométriques (GD&T) et sont des solutions efficaces et simples à utiliser pour les inspections 3D sur CAD.

Les différentes possibilités polyvalentes de mesure des outils tels que FaroArm, FARO ScanArm et FARO Laser Tracker permettent d’utiliser les superpositions CAD pour vérifier des géométries complexes face au dessin ou à la comparaison CAD afin d’évaluer des déviation et garantir que toutes les pièces respectent une tolérance exacte.

Analyse dimensionnelle

Les pièces fabriquées présentent des formes et des dimensions très variables, il est donc nécessaire d’employer des outils de métrologie 3D flexibles afin de vérifier leur précision et qualité.

Actuellement, de nombreux atelier de machines sont équipés de MMC portables FARO®, comme les bras de mesure et les systèmes de suivi laser. Ces machines répondent aux nombreux besoins de mesure dimensionnelle, comme l’inspection sur machine et en ligne, et la comparaison CAD, afin de garantir qu’elles respectent les tolérances requises.

Inspection d’entrée

L’identification de pièces défectueuses de fournisseurs à leur arrivée permet d’établir et maintenir des standards de qualité stricts. Mettre en place un processus d’inspection d’entrée exhaustif empêche que ces pièces parviennent à l’assemblage, évitant ainsi des rejets et des adaptations coûteuses.

L’intégration des MMC portables FARO® comme les bras de mesure dans le processus d’inspection d’entrée, permet au personnel de déterminer rapidement si ces pièces respectent ou non les exigences et spécifications.

3D Measuring with Laser Tracker

3D Measuring with Laser Tracker

Dimensional measurements, geometric tolerances, comparison with the 3D nominal of the piece. Large volume parts. Dimensional reports.

The FARO Vantage and VantageE Laser Trackers are measuring machines for extremely precise portable coordinates, which allow you to manufacture products, optimise processes and offer solutions, taking measurements in a quick, easy and precise manner.


Inspection of large pieces

Large-scale measuring is something that many industries, such as those of aerospace, automotive and the construction of heavy material, have in common. But taking these measurements can be an uncomfortable and lengthy task. Thanks to the revolutionary metrology tools for large volumes from FARO, the times of uncomfortable tasks are now over.


Faults in alignment lead to periods of inactivity and the decrease in the performance of the machinery, but portable measuring machines (CMM) offer excellent alignment solutions, such as laser tracking systems and measuring arms.

Calibration of machines

Incorrect parts are usually the result of a poorly calibrated machine. The fast calibration revisions performed by the portable machines with CMM by FARO® allow for the volumetric accuracy to be verified. Therefore, production is optimised and the period of inactivity is minimised.

CAD-based inspection

The CMM portable machines by FARO® simplify the implementation of tolerances and geometric dimensions (GD&T) and are efficient and easy-to-use solutions for 3D CAD-based inspections.

With its versatile non-contact and contact measuring possibilities, tools such as FaroArm, FARO ScanArm and FARO Laser Tracker can use the CAD overlays to verify complex geometrics against the design or the CAD comparison in order to evaluate deviations and guarantee that all parts comply with a precise tolerance.

Dimensional analysis

The pieces which are manufactured vary in shape and size, which makes it necessary to use flexible 3D metrology tools in order to verify their precision and quality.

Nowadays, many machine workshops are equipped with CMM portable machines by FARO®, along with measuring arms and laser tracking systems. These machines satisfy numerous dimensional measurement requirements, such as online and machine inspection and CAD comparison, in order to guarantee that all of the required tolerances are met.

Receipt inspection

Identifying defective parts from providers when they arrive allows for strict quality standards to be established and maintained. The implementation of an exhaustive receipt inspection avoids said parts reaching the assembly process, therefore avoiding costly disposal and adaptations.

By integrating the CMM portable machines by FARO®, as well as measuring arms, into the receipt inspection process operators can quickly determine whether these pieces comply or not with the requirements and specifications.